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- Vianoce na Slovensku
- Morena
- Kvetná nedeľa
- Vianočné dielne
Je to stará tradícia urobiť bábku Morenu na jar a hodiť ju do rieky. Po dlhých zimných dňoch Slováci túžili po nádherných dňoch leta. Morena predstavovala zimu a tmu. Hodenie figuríny do vody je symbolom odchádzajúcej zimy a oslavy príchodu jarných dní.
Figurína ženy, Morena bola pohanskou bohyňou zimy, bola vyrobená zo slamy alebo sena priviazaného na drevenú tyč a oblečená do ženských šiat.
Deti nastúpili, vytvorili sprievod, na čele ktorého bola figurína Moreny, ktorú niesli cez dedinu. Sprievod išiel k rieke, kde ju mali hodiť. Tam dievčatá vytvorili kruh a spievali ľudové piesne.
Hádzanie Moreny do vody predstavuje prichádzanie jari a jej vítanie.
It is an old tradition to make a doll called Morena in spring and throw it to water. The long days of winter made Slovaks long for the beautiful days of summer. Morena represents winter and darkness. Throwing a figurine to water is a symbol of leaving winter and celebrating the arrival of spring.
The figurine of a woman, Morena was a pagan goddess of winter, is made of straw or hay tied to a wooden pole and dressed in women´s clothes.
Children line up, arrange themselves into a parade and at their head there is a figurine of Morena, which is carried through the village. They go down to the river to throw her in. They gather in a circle and sing folk songs.Throwing her in the river harkens the coming of spring and welcoming spring.
Morena, Morena, To Whom do you die for? For the old girls? For the dark maidens?
Throwing her in the river harkens the coming of spring and welcoming spring.